2021 Housing + Immigration Priorities
CRLAF is proud to announce our new partnership with Blue Shield of California (BSCF). In 2021, we will especially prioritize the work of...
California Adopts Emergency Standards to Protect Workers from COVID-19
CRLAF has been collaborating with community based organizations and other advocacy organizations to increase COVID-19 protections for...
California, We Must Prioritize Farm Workers in State's Vaccination Plan
On behalf of the COVID-19 Farmworker and Rural Immigrant Community Advocacy Coalition, we are pleased to release our first policy brief...
Emergency Farmworker Water Provision Project
San Joaquin Valley produces and supplies approximately one-quarter of the nation’s produce. The impact of this multi-billion dollar...
Update on California Housing Law
Takeaways on the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 On August 28, Governor Newsom approved a new...
Housing & Tenant Rights-Judicial Council Update
On August 13, the Judicial Council of California voted in favor of resuming eviction and foreclosure proceedings on September 2. The...
Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants (DRAI) Project
Dolores has been praying for relief. Her family was already living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic. Her husband lost his job in...
The Supreme Court’s decision is a victory for DACA recipients and their families!
At CRLA Foundation, we celebrate the Supreme Court's decision today recognizing that family unity and human dignity cannot be trumped by...
Social Justice & Equity for All: #BlackLivesMatters
CRLA Foundation acknowledges the pain that is tormenting our country and stands in solidarity with our Black community members as an ally...
CA Establishes Fund to Help Essential Workers Left out of CARES Bill
CARES brought a bit of relief to millions of workers, but left out millions more. California became the first state to establish a fund...