Press Release on Incoming Administration
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation recognizes that many of the serious problems our clients faced in the previous Trump...

Governor signs CRLAF’s AB 636, Requiring Mandatory Disclosure of California Labor Rights Information
After four years of effort and 2 prior vetoes, the Governor finally signed CRLAF’s AB 636 (Kalra), creating a comprehensive California...

Tacherra Ranch Tenants Seek Justice and Relief for Unsafe Living Conditions
Bolinas, California – September 27, 2023 – California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, with co-counsel Legal Aid of Marin, filed a...

CRLAF Celebrates the Release of Statewide Farmworker Health Study
CRLAF is pleased to announce that earlier this year, UC Merced released the study, “Farmworker Health in California: Health in a Time of...

CRLAF Welcomes Final Public Charge Rule + Calls on Congress to Make Health Care a Right for All
Last week, on September 9, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published its updated final public charge rule, resolving a...

United Farm Workers March for AB 2183
From August 3 to August 26, 2022, farm workers across the Central Valley region marched 335-miles from historic Forty Acres, the original...
U.S. Supreme Court Limits PAGA
The Private Attorney General Act (PAGA) is a unique statute that provides a critical mechanism for enforcement of fundamental labor law...

CRLAF Celebrates 10 Years of DACA and Calls on Congress to Act
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 marked the tenth anniversary of the announcement of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program...