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COVID-19 Information + Resources
for Immigrant + Farmworker Communities

California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (CRLAF) and the Sacramento Family Unity, Education, and Legal (FUEL) Network for Immigrants are committed to supporting and serving immigrants throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and have compiled critical information and resources to help immigrant communities navigate this challenging time.


We will continue updating this document throughout the pandemic as much of this information is rapidly changing on a daily basis.

Recursos de Coronavirus. Click to read more.

Julio 2020

COVID-19 Recursos é Informacion

Hemos recopilado información importante y recursos para ayudar a las comunidades migrantes a navegar este tiempo difícil.

Continuaremos actualizando este documento durante de la pandemia, puesto que mucha de esta información cambia constantemente.

(actualizado a partir del 20 de julio de 2020)

Salubridad Laboral. Click to read more.

April 2020

Salubridad Laboral



Esta infografía tiene información sobre sus derechos como trabajador de California, sus derechos al salario mínimo, sobretiempo, descansos, no han cambiado.


Labor + Civil Rights

Coronavirus Resources. Click to read more.

July 2020

COVID-19 Resources and Information

Critical information and resources to help immigrant communities navigate this challenging time.


We will continue updating this document throughout the pandemic as much of this information is

rapidly changing on a daily basis.

(updated July 20, 2020)

Seguro de Discapacidad de California. Click to read more.

April 2020

SDI en California



Esta infografía tiene información sobre que es el Seguro de Discapacidad disponible para los trabajadores de California, sin importar su estatus legal. 


Labor + Civil Rights

Derechos de los Trabajadores. Click to read more.

April 2020

Derechos de los Trabajadores


Esta infografía tiene información sobre sus derechos como trabajador de California, sus derechos al salario mínimo, sobretiempo, descansos, no han cambiado.


Labor + Civil Rights

Dispensario de Comida / Banco de Comida / Foodbank. Click to read more.

April 2020

Dispensario de Comida



Esta infografía le explica cómo encontrar dispensarios de comida (food banks) por internet cercas de usted.  


Labor + Civil Rights


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1921 N Gateway Blvd, Suite 102,

Fresno, CA 93727                             559-486-6278

California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization Federal Tax ID 94-2800442. 

This is the website of California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation ©2024 CRLAF 

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Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

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